What is Catalyst Leaders?

The Catalyst Leaders programme is a pioneering, transformative leadership development experience. Catalyst Leaders has been designed to enable Racially Diverse Leaders to navigate LinkedIn and inspire you to take on expanded roles, pursue leadership and/or promotional opportunities more successfully. It is our belief that successfully navigating the corporate landscape and positioning yourself for promotion demands effective personal leadership of self, others, and the wider environment.

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Module 1 M1 - Orientation & My Lifeline
Exercise 1 Readiness - Group Coaching LinkedIn - Cohort 6
Exercise 2 M1 - Orientation and Race at LinkedIn - LinkedIn Cohort 6 Exercise 1
Exercise 3 M1- Orientation - LinkedIn Cohort 6 - Exercise 2
Module 2 M2 – Authentic Leadership
Exercise 1 M2 - Authentic Leadership - LinkedIn Cohort 6 - Exercises 3 - 4
Exercise 2 M2 - Authentic Leadership - Exercise 5
Module 3 M3 – My Leadership Story
Exercise 1 M3 My Leadership Story - LinkedIn Cohort 6 - Exercises 6 - 7
Exercise 2 M3 - My Leadership Story - LinkedIn Cohort 6 - Exercises 8 - 9
Exercise 3 M3 - My Leadership Story - LinkedIn Cohort 6 - Exercise 10
Exercise 4 Line of Sight Review - LinkedIn Cohort 6
Module 4 M4 – Vision and Career Strategy
Exercise 1 M4 - Vision and Career Strategy - LinkedIn Cohort 6 - Exercise 11
Exercise 2 M4 - Vision and Career Strategy - LinkedIn Cohort 6 - Exercise 12
Module 5 M5 – Action Learning and Line of Sight Reveal
Exercise 1 M5 - Action Learning and Line of Sight Reveal - LinkedIn Cohort 6 - Exercises 13 - 15
Exercise 2 Leadership Diagnostics - LinkedIn Cohort 6 - Exercises 16 - 17
Exercise 3 Borderless Coaching - LinkedIn Cohort 6 - Exercise 18
Module 6 M6 – Self Mastery
Exercise 1 M6 - Self Mastery - LinkedIn Cohort 6 - Exercises 19 - 21
Exercise 2 M6 - Self Mastery - LinkedIn Cohort 6 - Exercise 22
Exercise 3 LinkedIn Cohort 6 - More exercises coming soon
Module 7 M7 – Cracking the Corporate Code
There are no units in this module.
Module 8 M8 – Presence, iBrand & Communicating with Impact
There are no units in this module.
Module 9 M9 – Leading Change
There are no units in this module.
Module 10 M10 – Leadership Signature
There are no units in this module.
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